Pea bay treasure
We run free giveaway streams on Twitch & Youtube, Any villager move-ins, and island passes to our private treasure Islands! Scroll down to learn more about what we offer and how you can order. Happy crossing!
Treasure island visits
See which layouts we are offering each day— message us or take a peak at our IG story, Facebook group, or Discord for today’s islands.We charge per trip. If this is your first time we charge $5.50 for your first trip only. We give our revisit order a discount of $3.00 for each revisit no matter the day or layout!We offer a 24 hour / 12 hour / and 1 hour pass for unlimited amount of trips. You will be sent three codes for each island we have online for 12hr & 24hr visits.If you are doing a 1hr unlimited you can choose one out of the three layouts available. You will be able to access these while we sleep depending on when you order.Just keep in mind the island resets at 5am and the code will crash. We will send updated codes shortly after when we are online for the day and send you the codes for the updated layouts for the next day.This is not strictly timed and the purpose is for unlimited trips from time of purchase and ends the next day around the time of purchase.
Otherwise we do not have time limits for our single visits as well.Order a visit by messaging us or visiting our Etsy shop.
Villager move-in
Available anytime after 3pm EST!
We offer an unlimited stock of any villager with the exception of Sanrio villagers for $10.Our villager move-ins include the treasure island for one trip to fill your pockets.This requires a empty plot of land. It is not possible to kick a villager when doing this and a villager in boxes does not count.You will be sent a dodo code to our island and speak with your desired villager until they offer to move.Afterwards you will enjoy the treasure island and return to your island to find the empty plot of land is now sold to your desired villager!Always confirm that the move-in was successful after you return. If there are any issues with getting an open plot we are able to hold your order until you’re available .
Free giveaway
We stream our giveaways live on Twitch! As much as we would like to personally message the dodo codes, there is too much traffic to keep up with our human capabilities.Therefore you can view the dodo code on the screen when we stream on Twitch.Please be respectful and do not complain about the island being full.Free giveaways require a lot of time and patience, and it is not a guaranteed visit to the island.Make sure to have a strong connection, if you’re caught crashing the islands multiple times it can result in a ban.
Frequently asked questions:
Q: What payments do you offer?
A: We are USD! We accept Venmo, PayPal, Cashapp, Facebook Pay, and our Etsy shop if you don’t have any of those apps!Q: When are you online?
A: Tentative Schedule
We are Eastern Standard Time!Sunday-Thursday- 9:30-10pm
Friday-Saturday: 11am-Midnight
Villager Move-Ins: Anytime after 3pmQ: How will we recieve a dodo code?
A: We are pretty responsive unless we are sleeping!
We will contact you once we are ready for you to visit, a dodo code will be sent once you're clear to fly in.Q: Is there a time limit/limit of what I can grab?
A: No there isn't! Please come empty handed and fill your pockets. No tools needed.Q: Can I learn DIY's while on the island?
A: Yes please do! With the exception of the free giveaway. This way you can free up space in your inventory to take home more!Q: What if I want to come back?
A: You can purchase the revisit ad in our shop. The revisit ad can be purchased each visit you'd like to make after the initial $5.50 visit - No matter the layout or day!Q: How do I leave?
A: Once you're ready to go home after filling your pockets, please exit through the airport! Do not turn off your switch or leave it unattended during your visit.Q: What happens if I get disconnected?
A: Wifi problems happen sometimes! We will set a new code and invite back in the order people have paid. Please wait at the airport, do not empty your pockets & wait for the new code to be sent!Q:Are these private visits?
A: No. There will be other people roaming the island as well. The islands capacity can hold up to 7 people but we like to keep it nice and pleasant for our customers. You may see people fly in and leave, this will pause the game for about a minute until they land. This is completely normal when participating in an online lobby for Animal Crossing!
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© Untitled. All rights reserved.